ME3’s new combat system will feature a wide new array of cover and movement options, including climbable ladders, the ability to do combat rolls, an enhanced version of sprinting and a dramatically altered melee combat system which will allow 1 hit kills via various punches and kicks with enhanced tech weapons. For those of you out there who are RPG lovers, don’t worry – BioWare has enhanced and deepened the RPG elements dramatically, making this a very solid RPG core with a solid TPS laid over it. RPG’s still have a good base of players but not nearly as solid as that found for third person shooters. Speculation is that EA / BioWare did this to make the game more viable in the market, which is probably correct. In Mass Effect 3, the focus will be solidly on third person combat making this game, primarily, a third person shooter / RPG hybrid, rather than an RPG with a few third person shooter elements mixed in. It’s been changed so radically, in fact, that previewers have said it’s in a completely different realm than either of its predecessors. What we know about the combat system, at this point, is that it has been completely revamped. We also know that the leveling and RPG elements have been refined and I will be taking a look at those after the jump. We know that the combat system has been revamped and will feature squad leader style play, as featured in a trailer released a couple of months ago, which is included, below. This should give us all enough time to get a few playthroughs in before the end of the world in December of 2012, which I predict will come via a global zombie apocalypse. The Mass Effect Trilogy will climax with the long awaited third installment on March 6th, 2012.